Welcome to Dog Daze
I am Bloooo the lovable aussie shepherd and my yard mate is Ruffy a springer spaniel/aussie young lady. We are staying with Tori this week at her place in Santa Clara. Tori is a lovable old girl, but is sometimes a little cranky. We have arranged to have Ed & Lynne fix our meals and keep the lawn picked up. Me and Ruffy usually spend our time in aptos where the weather is much cooler. Staying here in Santa Clara is much warmer than we care for.
As you can see we spend a lot of valuble time walking in circles. We mostly learned this from Len, our caretaker. Ed has showed us how to hone this into a perfect lifestyle.
Once in a while we get confused and forget who is leading who. Ed is not much help in correcting this particular problem.
Pssst if you see my pup mom & pup dad tell them to come back soon we really miss them
Thanks for stoppin in to see us catch ya real soon
Tori, Ruffy & Bloooo
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