Saturday, September 11, 2021

Tick Tock. August 15 2021

 Well here we are about 13 days after I got my beat back. I was loosing my beat but install a heart ticker coach and things get better soon after. My take on this whole mess...


Tuesday night {8-10-2021} I was not feeling to good.
Sat around guessing what was going on. Called the paramedic about 3:30 AM. I figured they could guess better than I could. Got a ride in an ambulance they wouldn't blow the siren though.
Dr guy thought that the pacemaker would fix me up. Off to the Cath Lab. They fixed me up with shinny new tiker timer. Next day a lady comes in with fancy computer and hooks me up to it. she decided that it was not working all to well. well ain't that nice! back to the cath-lab. They did an R&R (remove and repair) and we are tiken and a tocken.
A little scary but the Dr.s seem pretty good. If you need a pace maker at any time get one made in New Orleans, it is bound to have a better beat.

So far all is good. There seems to be a lot of stuff I have to watch out for. Magnetic and electrostatic forces (welding). lifting 10-15 lbs max. The Dr wants to have follow up appointment 10 days after Surgery, he is not available till 16 days out.

I am just happy to be alive and bitchin.

I think all is well right now. Had several things I needed to get done and I am winding most of them up.

just talked with a lady who wants to garden for us. That will be a big help.

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